
What happens if I die?

We help our clients answer these hard questions, our job is to give you peace of mind so you don’t have to worry about money if the worst were to happen.

What if I can’t work?

It’s very common for people to consider what would happen if they died, with respect to their family and home life – but something far more common is not being able to work due to sickness or injury. Have you considered what you would do if you couldn’t work for over 6 months?

What about my children (maybe my loved ones?)

At the heart of any family’s discussion surrounding protection, is their children. With the right planning, we can help you ensure that they are fully taken care of if something happens to either of you.

Support when you need it most

We work only with the most trusted insurers in the industry, to make sure our clients receive the best service during some of the most challenging times of their lives.

For all budgets

For as little as a Netflix subscription, you may be surprised as to how much cover you are able to get. We have solutions for all budgets and being fully independent, we are not limited as to which insurers we can recommend to our clients.

Existing Cover?

Our eagle-eyed team can establish if any existing insurance you have is suitable for your needs, both in terms of ongoing cost to you and the type/level of cover you have. You don’t want to be paying for something you don’t need!